![]() 02/17/2019 at 22:40 • Filed to: Beerlopnik, weedlopnik, shitpost, HIPHOPNIK | ![]() | ![]() |
beer/cannabis thread (it’s 2019, cannabis is commonplace).
beer is Stones “farm to can” series, moxee gold ipa, brewed with el dorado and centennial hops.
cannabis is wedding cake X double OG; very piney, touch of citrus, goes great with this ipa
what do your evening plans include, Oppo?
here’s some people under the stairs (try not to cry as this legendary hip hop duo just called it quits this month after 22 years keeping boom-bap alive):
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touche. I’ve never in my life partken, if that is even a word. It’s fully legal in Canada, just not my thing I guess.
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Mules, sub bing this for the ginger beer
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I always wondered if you canadian oppo’s chiefed it, that answers that.
but to each their own! i’m more of a libertarian in the sense that you should be able put whatever you want into your body, if you so choose to
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I can’t say i’ve ever gotten into ciders much, little sweet for me as i’m a fan of the bitterness of hops, but I will admit a pineapple cider does sound delicious
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As for the other, I haven’t partaken in close to 30 years. Back then, it didn’t have such fancy names.
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I like it, but it’s just on the threshold for me as far as sweetness goes. I’ll definitely be adding a lot of lime and bitters
I hope one day to aquire a taste for IPA’s, but so far they all taste so overpoweringly bitter t o me you could line up ten different ones and I wouldn’t be able to taste the slightest difference :/
![]() 02/17/2019 at 23:03 |
That’s a stellar track.
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So many people I know partake, and I like you agree, if it's your thing, go nuts. Just isn't mine. I'll stick with beer
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i do not smoke or drink alcohol
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I had a glass of German/Swiss market Ovalmaltine for dessert, along with a Czech lemon wafer cookie or two . I have childish tastes.
Wacky tobacky has been legal here for awhile, I’ve never partaken.
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Some of the non legal stuff, no idea of the strain but it smokes good and it’s a fraction of the price.
half oz for $80, legal 1/4's cost more.
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It is cheaper to smoke the medical marijuana prescription than actual medical marijuana here though.
I sincerely hope every fucking asshole in Columbus responsible gets cancer.
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Vodka. Just got off the phone with a friend who’s mom passed away this morning. Gotta send her home, wherever that is.
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I havent had a good pilsner in quite some time, how do you like that?
and the ironic part about the other, OG stands for “original growers” aka the stuff that they used to grow back when you would partake.
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I spark whatever the plug got
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I find that so funny, I’ve always been a fan and usually am able to tell the subtle differences.
but as for the brews I’d recommend that aren’t very bitter would have to be the ones that are brewed WITH fruit, as opposed to fruit juice added. for instance, 21st amendment’s blood orange ipa, sierra nevada hazy ipa, ballast point grapefruit sculpin, Stone’s tangerine express ipa, are all solid places to start getting used to the bitterness.
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isn’t it? feels like the perfect farewell for them.
I got lucky enough to see them twice, the game will truly never be the same without them.
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good for you, seriously.
I wish I posessed will- power like that.
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Back in the mid-80s, an ounce of decent weed went for $120. What are prices like these days?
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damn, I haven’t had ovaltine since I was young. I bet the scandinavian version is much better too.
are you in canada?
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Wife and kids are I bed and Ive got JW Black label with a court cubes and a splash of water.
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and that’s all that matters, if it smokes good.
Im definitely paying more for the dispensary card, but I move around a lot and it’s much easier than finding the non-legal guy haha
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Smoking alcohol will kill you a lot quicker than drinking it.
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In a weird way, it kinda reminds me of the Pharcyde.
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I love me a good hazy.
I also have to say Im not familiar with fremont, even after living in Astoria, Oregon and trekking across the bridge to Washington I didn’t come across it. Is it only in Seattle?
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how would you describe a milk stout? ive never been a stout fan in general due to the malt, but was weirdly curious about milk stouts.
ohio? it truly is mind-blowing the greed behind not only keeping cannabis illegal, but the amount charged for access to a natural growing plant.
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Goddamn, just listened to it again.
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damn, that’s never an easy situation.
really puts things into perspective that someone just down the freeway is dealing with a tough situation as I lie on the opposite end of the spectrum. hope all else is well with you and them.
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It is a local, but I’ve seen it a few other places and they fairly recently expanded to a newer production facility . Their Interurban IPA is more widely distributed I believe. They have some really good stuff. We are finally getting some Fort George out of Astoria up here now - they have some fine stuff too - some really nice super piney IPAs.
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nothing wrong with that!
I grew up smoking before dispensaries were even around/popularized , can’ t forget the struggle.
hope it chiefs well, brotha
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The Euro version is a darker chocolate and stronger malt flavor. It’s excellent, unfortunately, impossible to find in NA outside of Amazon, and it is a little dear.
I am in WA.
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that sounds like a delight.
I’ve been dabbling more and more with Scotch in recent years, highly underrated.
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thats a great comparison. these guys probably got started a few years after (in ‘98) and hail from LA, so definitely bring the Cali vibe that pharcyde had.
check this:
that album is straight heat, front to back.
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That’s fucking rad. Thank you for the knowledge. Definitely later, in the 90s, and now I’m hooked.
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Such is life. Wouldn’t be such an awesome ride if we didn’t know it’ll eventually come to an end. My buddy is hanging in there. Has a community of friends to hold him up.
Mourn her loss, but wear it as a reminder of the inevitable, and not to take one moment of life for granted.
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good for them, I love seeing local breweries getting bigger.
as for fort george, it’s a love/hate. on one hand, their 2017 three-way ipa is the best beer ive ever had in my entire existence, and on the other, going into the actual brewery and having to deal with the fucking hipster snobs made it tough to support them. but damn if their beer isn’t great, as well as creative with the brew’s ingredients.
Im also a big fan of Buoy’s stuff. I like how they’re much more bare-bones. One style of each type of beer (ie one ipa, one pilsner, one pale, etc) and they’re all fantastic.
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damn that sounds fantastic, im gonna have to order some from prime haha
ahhh gotcha! to each their own, I definitely don’t like to preach and tell people what to ingest, all I can say is that i’ve had great experiences with cannabis, whether it be the high, or for the actual medicinal properties.
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How the fuck have I never known about them? Holy shit they’re so good.
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Ohio prices are completely bugfuck because it’s literally a patronage system where you only got a license by knowing the assholes in Columbus personally and promising to do everything you could to make it inaccessible. And of course, they stacked this with bureaucratic incompetence to be doubly certain it was a total clusterfuck and refusing to actually make it legal with a prescription. (Just because you have a prescription doesn’t mean shit. Grounds for termination, possession, you name it. Even if you aren’t using at the time.)
As to how I’d describe milk stouts... hmm.. well, I’m going to assume you’re familiar with stouts. A milk stout is much ‘mellower’ in the alcohol presentation (and usually lower ABV as well.) They have similar heads, pour identically, look the same. But the milk stout will be markedly smoother drinking, and most importantly, allows the true recipe to shine rather than the “HERE’S HOPS!!!!!!!” bullshit IPAs give you. It’s much mellower, easier to drink, and very smooth.
I highly recommend Left Hand’s Milk Stouts of which they have several. To be very specific: I would suggest you back-to-back compare Left Hand Milk Stout (year-round) and Left Hand Fade to Black (in season now) or 25 Anniversary (limited availability.) Tasting the differences yourself will do much better than I could ever at attempting to explain it.
Just be aware the 25 Anniversary is 12.1% ABV and the Raspberry Milk Stout is 5.7% , while FtB is 8.5% which gives you a very good range to test.
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I was doing a little research; this will definitely shed some light on the reminiscence of pharcyde.
“During the time before Thes One and Double K met through the early years as People Under the Stairs, the group attended hip hop shows at many of the Los Angeles venues (such as the Good Life Café) that were a part of the explosion of West Coast hip hop acts. In numerous interviews, the group has cited many of these groups that had a direct or peripheral influence on their sound, including Freestyle Fellowship , The Pharcyde , Jurassic 5 , The Beatnuts , and many others.”
here’s another goodie:
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This is where I buy mine unless I remember to take it back from Germany:
It also exists in chocolate bar form, which is just as amazingly good.
I’ve never smoked anything, my only smoke ingestion is from my old car :)
![]() 02/17/2019 at 23:55 |
That is straight up amazing. Thank you.
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sheeeit those were better times.
top quality ounces will run 350+ in a medical/recreational market
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wise words, my friend.
our finite time on this earth is what makes it so special.
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wow, that’s mind blowing. my fiancé is in the industry and it truly never ceases to amaze me the bullshit bureaucracy involved. definitely filled with a bunch of pieces of shit who not only don’t smoke, but have no frame of reference for the culture, out to make a quick buck.
it’ll be even worse when it’s recreationalized country wide and big tobacco gets involved.
i’ve always seen left hand stouts so I figured they must be doing them right. I’ll have to give them a try and let you know the results.
![]() 02/18/2019 at 00:00 |
Definitely watch yourself with Left Hand, because they’re more wild than mild. Stick to the ‘Milk Stout’ and ‘2X’ series which are very tame before veering into the “good stuff.” Especially as some of the limited runs are extremely expensive.
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of course my dude, they’re the true legends of underground hip hop.
I love sharing the gift of music, especially when someone else vibes with it.
these guys write, produce, master and mix, create all forms of listening (cd, vinyl, cassette, stream), distribute, tour, and book their own shows, and have for their entire career.
seriously, check out their whole catalog, you won’t be disappointed supporting these two. and their dope as fuck as they take the time to take pics with each fan after their show, and share a beer and/or joint with you.
here’s me and thes-one after a show. the look of pure joy in his face was always genuine.
![]() 02/18/2019 at 00:09 |
Damn. An ounce of really sweet sens was about $140. I couldn’t afford to smoke these days.
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Yeah, I don’t know what’s up with my taste buds. Even some of my favorite ciders will occasionally taste bitter beyond belief to me. I don’t get this with any other food/drinks, just beer....
I saved your list and will keep an eye out for those!
![]() 02/18/2019 at 00:21 |
They seem like a new-gen de la soul. Thank you for this. Gonna dig. So good.
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I would definitely say they’re on the same wavelength when it comes to controlling their own art and how they want to be perceived in the game.
of course, spread the love man. I could talk music all day.
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hilariously enough, I checked for inflation; $140 in 1985 is the equivalent of $326 today.
you definitely can still afford, no excuse now
![]() 02/18/2019 at 02:07 |
Ooh nice, I’ve never heard of The People Under the Stairs but I’m liking their flow so far.
Drinking Great Divide’s Yeti Imperial Stout, vaping Pacific Juniper (some sorta mildly sativa-leaning hybrid).
![]() 02/18/2019 at 08:43 |
maybe it’s easier if you never start? :P